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A method available to anyone to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

The artisanal saline can be made at home, an activity in which the whole family can participate, for which all that is needed is salt, water, kitchen towels and a support tray on which to place the structure.

The presented process is the essential one in obtaining such very rich salt structures, a process that can be easily reproduced and used. The structures rich in salt microcrystals are highly efficient in the general sanitization of the air in the respective space but, in particular, they have beneficial effects on the respiratory system of the users. Usually, people with various respiratory problems feel much better within a few days.

A possibility that allows anyone interested to benefit from the effect of saline air even without the use of Salin devices by building some homemade salines themselves.

The technical idea used is to bring a highly concentrated solution of salt on a porous surface simply exposed to air. The solution will infiltrate, diffuse through the porous surface, and evaporate gradually, producing salt crystals on the surface. Over time, if the area is kept periodically moistened with salt solution, the crystallized structure will develop from thicknesses of several millimetres to a few centimetres, in crystalline forms similar to corals. During this crystallization process, the small air currents in the room will take over salt microcrystals, which are permanently formed on the surface of the structure, achieving the effect of air salinization. The degree of salinization of the air is in itself small, but measurable with fine laboratory methods and is sufficient to produce beneficial effects on the respiratory system. Sitting in this space we will be exposed for a long time to this saline air, and the respiratory system will generally work better. People with respiratory problems will feel better, but for everyone, the level of resistance to respiratory viroses increases.


In the next film is presented the production of a simple device, easy to build and efficient in respiratory problems by creating saline air in the house.

This is a very simple model to build as such homemade devices can be built in very different sizes, shapes and materials, respecting the general principles of production.

Necessary materials:


The presented process consists of 6 simple steps and is the essential one in obtaining such very rich salt structures, a process that can be easily reproduced and used.

Step #1

To make it, use a roll of 20 cm wide paper towels from which 20 × 20 cm squares are torn.

Step #2

Place the paper towels on top of each other in 5-6 layers. The stack thus obtained is bent on each side in half, then on a diagonal and then on the other.

Step #3

Fold the stack of napkins along the diagonals, obtaining a pyramid with 4 wings, a self-supporting structure that you place on the plate, in which you put the water in a thin layer.

Step #4

The base of the napkin pyramid will take the water and it will fix on the plate.

Step #5

Then put salt between the wings of the pyramid thus obtained, a total of 200 – 300 g.

Step #6

Add water over salt about 5-7 mm.


For maintenance in the plate, throughout the period of growth of the crystals, we must add water or salt from time to time. The water is put to maintain a height of the saline solution at 5-7 mm. When it reaches less than 2 mm, it is filled. The salt is added so that there are always undissolved salt crystals in the saline solution. Depending on the size of the saline, it will consume between 0.5 and 1.0 – 1.5 kg of salt.

Even after the first day, if you look closely, you will see small crystals of salt. After a few days, the crystals will be more and more visible, and the air quality will be better. In 10-14 days, depending on the ambient air temperature, we can reach a rich salt structure and a very good salinization of the air. It is important that there is always water and undissolved salt in the support vessel.

When the salt layer reaches 5-10 mm, you can no longer put salt, but only water, in the support vessel. At 10-12 cm high structures, the solution in the support vessel will keep the structure permanently moist, and the crystals will grow and change all the time. You will have to water the highest ones from time to time, at the top. All this time, the salt garden will arouse interest; it is fascinating to see the crystals growing and, especially, to feel that the air in the room will change, by salinizing it.

The salt-rich structures will do their job in terms of salinizing the air, without requiring too much attention. However, they need to be given some time, from time to time. They are constantly changing… The salt will crystallize and then begin to migrate… It is very good to have in the house not only one device of salt, but several, so that the effect is as comprehensive as possible (for example – one in the living room, another in the bedroom or even better, more in each room). And tell us what they look like and how you feel about the air around you, to convince as many people as possible to use them.