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428.00 lei

Remarkable therapeutic effects of saline air in your own home.

Reduction of inflammatory oedema throughout the respiratory system, which allows gradual reduction of specific medication. Better functioning of the respiratory system, fundamental in ensuring good health. It allows solving a large number of respiratory problems and provides users with greater overall resistance to various respiratory conditions. Provides air treatment in an enclosed space with a volume of up to 150 m³ (about 50 m2);

It has NO contraindications and does not cause corrosion phenomena in the space of use.

For this product you can additionally order a spare filter.

0.50 lei of the price represents green stamp.

Salin Plus

Unlike the SALIN S2 model, SALIN PLUS provides air treatment for a volume of up to 150 m³ (about 50 m2).  It is ideal for spacious rooms, and by means of a potentiometer, the user can adjust the flow of treated air according to his/her desire.

The device contains a special filter for the saline treatment of the air obtained, from specially selected rock salt, by a controlled recrystallization technology. With the forced passage of air through it, it releases microparticles of salt beneficial to the body.

It is a medical device intended for use at home or in the office, which once powered to the mains mechanically passes the air in the room through a salt filter releasing small particles.

SALIN Plus purifier is recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of respiratory problems by the effect of fluidizing secretions and toning the vibrations of the cilia.

The general use of the SALIN Plus device by healthy people or people with mild respiratory diseases has highlighted a series of general beneficial effects:

  • Increase in the resistance to colds;
  • quiet, restful sleep;
  • state of mental comfort;
  • a decrease in the problem of snoring.
Purificator de aer SALIN Plus

The use of the device by people with severe respiratory conditions has revealed a number of beneficial effects in a wide range of upper and lower respiratory tract conditions. In ENT diseases, SALIN Plus proves to be of great help in rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, while having a general desensitizing action in allergic problems. In pneumological diseases, favourable results were obtained in bronchial asthma, asthmatiform bronchitis, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, silicosis, recuperations in TB, cystic fibrosis. Favourable effects have also been noted in various other cases of respiratory failure, such as those on the heart or thyroid.

Mode of operation

  • To achieve a significant effect, it is recommended to use the purifier for at least 8-10 hours a day.
  • In the first period of use (at least one month) it is recommended to use the device intensively and especially at night.
  • The purifier is recommended to be used in rooms of 150 cubic meters.
  • It is recommended to place the purifier at a height similar to that of a coffee table.
  • Use any possibility to increase the period of use of the device in the space where you live, at home or in the office, even to use the device 1-2 hours before your entry into that room.
  • It is recommended to place the purifier 0.5-1.2 m from the user, especially in rooms with a volume larger than the mentioned one.
  • It is not recommended to use the purifier in spaces with excessive humidity (steam), in spaces with a lot of dust or in spaces with oily aerosols (kitchens), where the life of the filter block is reduced.

Technical data

  • rated voltage: 230VAC / 9V DC
  • rated power: 10W
  • air flow rate: 12…32 m³ / h
  • recommended volume of use space: max. 150m³
  • recommended duration of use: 6…10 hours / day
  • filter block duration: 4…6 months
  • mass: max. 1.750 kg,
  • overall sizes (mm): 181 x 165 x 235
  • noise level: max. 50 dB


The first days of using the SALIN Plus device

During the first days, the amount of salt released in the air is higher and the general effects on the respiratory system may be more intense. Therefore, in rare cases it is possible that during the first days there will be an intensifying of the cough phenomenon.

Fluidification of the secretions of the respiratory system activates the process of their elimination. Cough is a major mechanism for carrying out this process. If coughing attacks are too disturbing, then lower the supply voltage of the device to 6 V, also maybe with the initial limitation of the duration of use of the device.

We emphasize once again that coughing in this context is not in itself an alarming factor, only to the extent that it is too intense.

Gradually increase the daily duration of use from 1-2 hours, to 6-8 hours, and in 2/3 weeks the phenomena described above will disappear.

We recommend using the same method in any other situation where the body shows unpleasant changes.

People with severe restrictions on salt intake

The salt consumption through the air produced by the SALIN device is extremely small, less than 0.2g / day in the first 10 days of use and less than 0.1g / day in the first month of use.

These amounts of salt reach the surface of the respiratory epithelium and are removed with mucus. For these reasons, it is assumed that it does not create problems for people with severe salt restrictions. However, we recommend, as an additional protective measure, to mount the device in a separate space for 3-4 days with continuous operation at 9 V to remove the fine salt powders that formed during the transportation of the device. During this time, the patient with problems related to salt consumption should not come into contact with the air produced by the device. After this period, proceed to the gradual use of the device.

*** Reducing the supply voltage has the effect of reducing air flow and noise produced. Proceed to reduce the voltage if you are disturbed by the noise of the device. Except in the cases mentioned above, we do not recommend reducing the supply voltage because it decreases the amount of purified air.

Changing the filter block

To maintain the optimum air purification capacity, it is recommended to change the filter block after four to six months of use, thus:

  1. Remove the power cord (adapter) from the outlet;
  2. Remove the power cord from the jack behind the purifier;
  3. Remove the purifier cover and remove the used filter block;
  4. Carefully place the new filter block in the appropriate slot and place the purifier cover in place;
  5. The power cord to the purifier is reconnected.
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